Equivalent to 3 A Levels, a total of 72-168 UCAS points, depending on grades achieved.

This course is aimed at the art student who has an interest in acquiring and extending their practical 'hands-on' making skills and digital skills whilst widening their knowledge of art and design disciplines. Along the way you will study drawing, illustration, mixed media, painting, sculptural techniques, 3D design, installation, print making, photography, contextual studies, model making, costume, painting - and the development of a portfolio. You will explore the creative software used by the industry to add your digital skills along the way. The course is supported by a series of educational visits to galleries and exhibitions so that you can experience the work you study at first hand. Projects emphasise the importance of research and the creative development of coursework - learning along the way about various influence and cultural references to allow for a more personal response.

In year 2 there will be an emphasis on you as an aspiring artist or designer to choose your own themes from which to work, with the opportunity to collaborate on live projects, exhibitions and community outreach projects for the town or local charities. You will be given the skills to develop an outstanding portfolio which supports the majority of our students in gaining entry to some of the best universities in the country including UAL, Goldsmiths and Brighton. The growing confidence in 'making' skills and development of personal approaches to creating projects culminates in students negotiating their own contribution to a project brief centred on a group exhibition.

Course options




Level 3


Full Time




2 years





  • What qualification will I gain?

    UAL Level 3 Diploma in Creative Practice: Art, Design & Communication

  • Entry Requirements

    Minimum of four GCSEs grade 4 - 9 including English and preferably maths and one creative subject. Or an equivalent Level 2 Qualification in Art and Design at merit or above. You will need a positive school report/recommendation/reference from your school/tutor.

    We also require a portfolio of work to be presented at interview. You will also be set an interview task when you apply to bring along to your interview.

  • What progression options will I have?

    Once you have completed the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Practice you could progress onto University, Employment or an Apprenticeship.

  • What costs are involved?

    Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ - £8550 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £220 This course may also attract additional costs, for example, kit, uniform or books, that all students will be required to pay. Please contact the College for further details.

  • How will I be assessed?

    Within the course, you will be given a range of projects to complete throughout the year which will prepare you for your final major project that is internally assessed and externally moderated by UAL. In Year 1, you will complete Unit 1 to Unit 3. In Year 2, you will complete Unit 4 to Unit 6. The overall grade for the qualification is based on Unit 6: Specialist Creative Outcome.

    All units will be graded against the Assessment Objectives set by UAL, with Unit 6 being graded either a Pass, Merit or Distinction.